7 hours
Istanbul, Turkey

You will be able to choose the places you wish to see and explore these places with a professional tour guide.

Benefits Free cancellation (up to 48 hours)
Skip the ticket line
Private tours up to 6 people
Tour guide in English or Spanish
Ages 6 and younger do not require a ticket

About this experience

Where you will visit? You can choose up to 4 visit destinations.
What’s included? Professional tour guide
What’s NOT included? Lunch (Approximately 10 USD extra per person)
What to bring? Comfortable shoes
Meeting Point Tour guide can pick you up from the hotel if you are staying around Taksim or Sultanahmet area. If you are staying in other neighbourhood, meeting point will be set according to the places you would like to visit.
Duration 7 hours
Highlights Opportunity to visit the places you wish with a tourist guide.

Additional information

Person1 pax, 2 pax, 3 pax, 4 pax, 5 pax, 6 pax

Tour Reviews

5.00 based on 1 review
27 July 2022

Our tour guide was so helpful that he helped us to design a customized tour. He was so friendly as well.

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